London Youth Committee notes
London Youth Committee notes
September 12, 2016
The next meeting London Youth Committee meeting will take place on Monday the 17th of October 2016 at 8 30pm at Irish Tv GAA Grounds, West End Road, Ruislip, HA4 6QX
Sympathies and get well wishes
London Youth Committee would like to sympathise with the family of Sean Faughnan from Tara on the recent passing of his mum back in Leitrim. May her gentle soul Rest In Peace. We would like to keep Kevin Kelly ( Heston Gaels and Irish Tv GAA Grounds, Ruislip ) and Brendan Moyles (St Kiernans) in our prayers.
St Kiernans James O' Brien Blits for U6/8/10's
St Kiernan’s club cancelled the James O' Brien blitz last Saturday due to the inclement weather.
Tara GFC 3rd annual J Ffrench girls tournament
All roads led to Greenford last Saturday in spite of the rain as Tara GFC were hosts to their 3rd Annual J Ffrench Girls 9's Tournament. Clubs in attendance were St Lawrence's from Manchester, John Mitchel's from Birmingham, Claddagh Gaels from Luton and from London is Parnell's, North London Shamrocks, St Clarets and Tara's. This tournament is going from strength to strength with one hundred and thirty six girls playing Gaelic football.
In the U12's Competition we had three teams from Parnell's,Tara's and North London Shamrocks Clubs
U14's Competition we had 5 teams from St Lawrence's, Claddagh Gaels, John Mitchel's, Parnell's and Tara's
U16's Competition we had 4 teams from St Claret's, Claddagh Gaels, Parnell's, and Tara's clubs.The girls enjoyed implementing their skills in the games and it was noted that the level of football is increasing with tight games which was reflected on the pitches. It's great to see the girls getting their reward after all their hard work of training throughout the season.
Congratulations to all Cup and Shield winners and well done to all clubs who took part in this prestigious event.
Winners of the U12 J Ffrench Cup went to Parnells defeating Taras in the final.
Winners of the U14 J Ffrench Cup went to Taras defeating Parnells in the final.
Winners of the U14 J Ffrench Shield went to St Lawrences defeating Claddagh Gaels in the final.
Winners of the U16 J Ffrench Cup went to Parnells defeating Tara in the final.
Winners of the U16 J Ffrench Shield went to St Clarets defeating Claddagh Gaels in the final.
Thanks to Sinéad from J Ffrench Ltd, Sinéad McCooey London Ladies Captain and Deidre McArdle London Ladies Secretary and Proinnsias Redican London Co Board and Tara President for doing the presentations with all the girls receiving a medal.
After presentations Alan Walsh and Lisa and Bernie cooked up a lovely spread where the girls, coaches and helpers enjoyed a nice a meal thanks to our kind sponsor Justin Ffrench from J Ffrench Ltd.
A big thanks to Tir Chonaill Gaels for the use of their grounds and the kind hospitality shown throughout the day. A big thanks to Lloyd Colfer for organising the fixtures and to the referees Ger O' Shea, James Carry, Conor Conneely, John Reap, Coleen Lynott and to Beano Collins for all his help.
Thanks to all at Tara GFC Chairman Brendan Gallagher, Secretary Tracey Monagle, Child Protection Officer Nuala Thornton Bernie and Brendan Morahan, Grainne O' Sullivan, Andrais Redican, Denis Roche. Jason Small, John Walsh, Threresa Lonergan, Anne McLoughlin, Ann Tracey, Ellie and Corrin Keary and to all who helped out in any way ensuring the tournament was a great success. Thanks to all the girls who participated, coaches and as always a big thanks to the parents for their continued support in helping to promote the Gaelic games.
Results of U-14 Division 2 League Semi-Finals
St.Clarets defeated NLS
TMC defeated Gael Londain
Saturday, September 17th
U-14 Conrad Ryan Football Tournament in Northwick Park at 1pm.
U-6/8/10 Football Blitz
St Anthony's club will be hosts to a Tournament for the U-6/8/10 will be held at Kings Meadow, Reading RG1 8DF with registrations at 1.30pm followed by games at 2pm.
Sunday, September 18th
U-18 Championship Semi-Final
Parnells vs. St.Kiernans in Greenford at 11.00 a.m.
TMC vs. Tara in Mill Hill at 2.00 p.m.
Saturday, October 1st
Gael Londáin U-6/8/10/12/14 Football Blitz
Gael Londáin U-6/8/10/12/14 football blitz will be on Saturday the 1st of October in Hazelwood, TW16 6QU
Sunday, October 2nd
U-18 Championship Final
TCG/Round Towers vs. Parnells or St.Kiernans in Greenford at 2.00 p.m.
Saturday, October 8th
U-14 Division 2 League Final
Sunday, October 9th
U-16 League Final
St.Kiernans vs. Parnells or TCG in Greenford at 2.00 p.m.
Sunday, October 16th
U-16 Championship Semi-Final
Sunday, October 30th
U-16 Championship Final
Dates for Your Diary
Hurling blitz for U8-U12 will be held at Greenford on Saturday the 24th of September from 12 noon.
Hurling blitz for U8-U14 will be held at Kilburn Gaels on Saturday the 15th of October from 12 noon.
Year 6 School Blitz in Greenford on Thursday, October 20th.
London Youths annual presentation night on the 18th of November at 8pm in Ruislip
Year 5 School Blitz in Greenford on Thursday, April 6th 2017
Year 4 School Blitz in Greenford on Thursday, May 25th 2017
All-Britain Competition 2017 - July 6th
If you require any further information please contact the London Youth's Secretary Joel McInern on 07956103723